Monday, May 13, 2013

Grooming tips for Winter

There’s a common misconception that dogs don’t need to be groomed, or groomed less often, during the winter months.

Many people like to keep their dog’s hair a bit longer over winter to keep the chill out. However this means you also need to be extra diligent when brushing at home to avoid matts or knots.

In fact, a regular grooming schedule during winter is just as important as in the warmer weather. Grooming isn’t just to look good, it’s also crucial for your dog’s health.

During the winter months, matts are the worst enemy to your dog’s coat’s natural insulating qualities. A clean, mat-free coat helps to insulate body heat and radiates this heat back into the body, keeping a protective barrier between the dog and external cold air.
Fur that’s matted doesn’t insulate or provide warmth; instead, it is uncomfortable for your dog, and can lead to skin infections and hot spots.

Matts are knots that have become so tightly clumped that the fur is bound right down to the skin. Unfortunately we see too many dogs who come in who haven’t been groomed for a long time and we have to shave them quite closely to get rid of the matts.

Here are some basic tips for pet parents to help keep their fur-kids healthy and happy during the winter season.

Tip 1. Bathing your dog regularly is one of the most important things you can do for your dog in the winter, as a clean dog is a happy, healthy dog. During the cold winter months, many of us suffer with dry, chafed, and scaly skin due to the combination of cold air, wind and internal heating. Even though they’re covered with a layer of fur, our dogs also feel the drying effects of winter, so it’s important to use a gentle, non-drying shampoo designed specially for dogs. If your dog tolerates it, your may want to try blow-drying to ensure a quick dry. Be sure to use a dryer with very low or no heat.

Tip 2. Brush and comb your dog’s coat at least 2-3 times a week. Keeping your pet’s coat free of knots and matts is as important as maintaining regular baths. Using a brush is fine, but to ensure you are getting all the way down to the skin use a comb after brushing to ensure there are no underlying knots.    
Tip 3. If your time is limited, you can avoid the hassles of regular brushing at home by keeping your pooch’s hair short, continuing your regular grooming schedule and popping a jumper or coat on when it gets chilly. There are many different styles of doggy coats to choose from, whether you prefer woollen or fleecy, button up or pullover. There are also waterproof coats so you can continue walkies even on those not so great winter days. Combine this with warm, comfy bedding and you’re all set for winter!
The team at Animal Affair can devise a grooming schedule to suit you and your fur-kid. We also carry a wide range of grooming products, dog coats and beds for winter.
Remember just because it’s winter, it doesn’t mean you can leave your dog’s hair to its own devices. Just like us they need regular grooming, whether it’s at home or at the salon.
For more information give us a call on 07 5444 6381.

1 comment:

Dog Grooming Toronto said...

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Dog Grooming Toronto