Friday, June 12, 2009

Teach your dog to enjoy grooming!

Grooming isn't just about making your dog look pretty, it removes dead hair and prevents painful mats from forming, keeping your dog's coat and skin healthy. Anyone who has ever groomed a dog will tell you that it is much easier to groom a well maintained coat than a coat that is full of mats, this is true for both the groomer and the dog.
Here are some tips you can try to show your dog that grooming can be fun.
  1. Start whilst your puppy is still young, this is the ideal time as your puppy's coat will still be soft and fluffy and should not need a lot of brushing, begin by sitting your puppy on your knee and stroke him to relax and calm him, then brush gently for just a few minutes after brushing stroke his feet and examine his nails, doing this a couple of times a day will help you build a good relationship and get him used to being handled, ignore any attempts he makes to chew the brush.
  2. If your dog is older designate an area to groom him, a table or laundry bench top with a non-slip mat is ideal for a small dog (never leave a dog unattended on a raised surface)
  3. Dogs love routine - try to establish a routine for your grooming, the best time is when your dog is a little bit tired after his daily walk or a vigorous play session.
  4. Stay calm, never shout or show aggression, your dog will learn through positive reinforcement - lots of praise.
  5. Give lots of praise during your grooming session.
  6. Always end your session on a positive note and reward your dog with a treat or a toy.

If you practice these simple tips your dog will soon learn to enjoy their grooming sessions, this will make him easier to handle for you, your vet and your groomer

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